We pray that your time with HCM is a blessing to your life.  

HCM's Motto:  We dedicate our bodies a living sacrifice Holy, Acceptable unto God, which is
our reasonable service (Romans 12:1)

Mission Statement:  HCM shall teach the uncompromised word of God and reach souls
through the Voice of Dance and Worship.
We Teach:

  1. Your Love Walk - Loving God, and your neighbors as yourself.
  2. Redemption - Once you receive the love of God and begin to love yourself and others,
    you can begin to forgive yourself and others. There is no condemnation.
  3. Purity - Make God the Head of your life (mind, body, and soul).
  4. Biblical principles of dance.
  5. Worship through dance

    My heart is for the youth and young adults in the inner cities; demolishing teenage sex      
    (abortions and sexually transmitted diseases) and promoting the desire to wait until
    marriage.  My prayer is to reach them while they are young before the devil has a chance
    to get them caught up in sexual sins.  HCM will teach them to love themselves and know
    that they are worthy in the eyes of God and on this earth.

We Train:

  1. Tambourine
  2. Streamers/Flags
  3. Prophetic Dance
  4. Warfare Dance
  5. Praise & Worship
  6. Purity Sessions
  7. Ballet
  8. Jazz

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Love, Redemption & Purity
Hi, we're Minister Tabitha & Triniti Henry!
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